Well i Am: 100 Healthy Days – It begins
This week (1 July) marked the start of my 100 healthy days with well i am. The idea of starting it in Ramadan worried me, but I realised Ramadan is not an excuse. It’s actually the perfect time to begin something like this. Ramadan teaches us the value of people and our bodies and also how the less fortunate are.
I am taking this opportunity to cleanse both my mind and body. They also say that it takes 40 days to break a habit – I’m using the 30 in Ramadan to kick start breaking the habit of eating junk.
I always have and always will love food. There’s no doubt about it. Now is the time to take that love of eating and move it in a healthier direction. I may not be able to do the strenuous exercise regime I wanted to set for myself, but this month will fly by quickly and I will get back into it. [Now if only the gym was open till late in Ramadan.]
If you missed my previous blog about what the challenge is about, let me re-introduce you to it. It is a lifestyle challenge, where you pledge to 100 healthy days to transdorm your body, habits and life.
It’s a daunting task but I am keen to set out to make the most of my life. I am not getting any younger, though I probably act like a 5 year old most of the time.
The hardest part of this challenge, will be adjusting to being back in Durban and at home, which means the amazing food that is readily available. But this is about maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, so who says I can’t still eat Nani’s [grandmother] food, in small dosages.
The pre-screening and before pictures has left me very conscious of how I look and what I need to do to achieve results. I’m taking Ramadan as breaking in phase and then it’s full steam ahead if I want to see any results.
The biggest hurdle for me: PLANNING
I am the worst planner, but if I can get that down for food and snacks and gym times, I can do this! I need to put in the work if I want to see the results – right?
The great thing about doing the 100 Healthy Days challenge, like I mentioned previously, is the support structure. The meal and exercise plans and the inspiration. Also the community is a major factor.
You can still register for the challenge even though it started on 1 July.
Follow my journey here, and on Twitter and some of my Instagram images with #wia100healthydays.
Find well i am online:
Facebook: facebook.com/Welliamchallenge
Twitter: @welliamCHLG
Disclaimer: I am reviewing as part of their influencer programme.
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