Posts Tagged: "Me"

well i am

Well i Am: Things I learnt in a 100 days


The well i am challenge 100 healthy days has come to an end, but my journey on this road of healthiness, I hope, continues. There are things I learnt about myself that surprised even me. This challenge was an interesting one. When I started it, I was worried how I...

Motivation: Run Jozi – why I did it.


So on Saturday, I did my first 10km run in about 15 years. That’s a pretty long time if you really think about it, but what I found interesting, was why I even decided to sign up for Run Jozi. I am in no way motivated to run, I honestly...

Coping with Grief


It’s taken me this long to talk about it. To really say what I feel. It’s a mere 40 days yet the trauma is still fresh in our minds, hearts and souls. Losing loved ones is never easy; losing them this way is the hardest. ...

Pyramids of Giza

The Land of Queens and Pharaohs – Travels 1


Disclaimer: These a long winded blog posts. Your choice how much you read but these are purely my take on my adventures in the Middle East I promised to blog about my travels so here goes. No words can explain the full experience that I had, the sights that I...

Meeting Above & Beyond

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So thanks to the guys Stacy and Carrie, I got to meet the Above & Beyond duo of Jono Grant and Tony McGuinness. I have to admit they were not what I expected. Not only were they humble amazing guys but Jono even joked about coming to perform Trance Around...


Eid, Pick Pockets and Life


People usually tell me my life is exciting but these last two days steal the cake for this month. Yesterday, 17 November 2010, was Eid ul Adha. One of the times I love most and I love going home, Durban and spending it with the family. This year was no...

How do I deal…?


Someone told me that the best way for me to heal is to write what someone means to me. I am a writer and a blogger but sometimes words are hard to put down. How do you say goodbye to a friend? How do you let go even though they’ve...