On this day… 20 years ago
On this day 20 years ago one of the greatest men walked out of prison to the welcoming arms of his people. Many people in South Africa today are remembering this day, but like many I was one of those...
On this day 20 years ago one of the greatest men walked out of prison to the welcoming arms of his people. Many people in South Africa today are remembering this day, but like many I was one of those...
Told myself that I needed to start blogging again and more frequently but it never...
blog more often…blog about sense more often…must blog…blog…vlog…keep blogging…make time to blog…blog more often…yes blog…trying...
Delusional illusions always find me wondering if I am doing the right thing or not....
yes only in Johannesburg do you get snow in Summer. You wondering what the hell...
It’s Ramadan, and during this time most people hate travelling. Somehow though it always happens...
Another year in Johannesburg, completion of my second to be exact, but its my third...